
E²-RADIatE (EORTC 1811) is a multi-cohort study. Each cohort will focus on a selection of patients, for example with a specific disease type or treated with a special technique.

The E²-RADIatE platform is the overarching infrastructure providing technical and methodological solutions to efficiently run individual cohorts. The infrastructure will streamline the collection of radiotherapy and imaging data linked to clinical information from multiple sources. All data are collected in one database.

A minimum number of data items apply to all E²-RADIatE cohorts. These items belong to the E²-RADIatE core dataset. This includes patient demographics, (malignant) medical history, adverse events, survival and disease follow up.

Each individual cohort will include a specific dataset that may contain more detailed questions concerning elements such as the primary disease or the treatment given.

In addition to the clinical data, we may also collect the following items:

  • Diagnostic imaging of the tumour at baseline and during follow up

  • Radiotherapy plan(s)

  • Patient reported outcomes, e.g. EORTC QLQ-C30 and EQ5D

  • Use of resources related to the radiation treatment to evaluate the health economic impact

Steering Committee

Denis Lacombe
Denis LacombeEORTC CEO
Damien Weber
Damien WeberE²-RADIatE Study Coordinator
Piet Ost
Piet Ost Chair of ROSC
Enrico Clementel
Enrico ClementelE²-RADIatE HQ Representative
Sarah Nuyens
Sarah NuyensE²-RADIatE Project Manager
Umberto Ricardi
Umberto RicardiPast President / Former Chair of ESTRO Scientific Council
Yolande Lievens
Yolande LievensE²-RADIatE Study Coordinator
Chiara Gasparotto
Chiara GasparottoDeputy CEO
Claudio Fiorino
Claudio FiorinoBoard/Scientific Council member (physicist)
Eralda Azizaj
Eralda AzizajSenior Manager Science Unit

Participating sites


The E²-RADIatE platform is supported by Walgreens Boots Alliance

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